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- A visit to Union 2013. If you grew up in Union, West Virginia and you have not been able to return to Monroe County recently, chances are you will enjoy a little tour of Union and the area.
View a Picture Tour of Union & Monroe County.
“DIFFERENT” by Kris Long
Kris Allen Long was born and raised in Union, West Virginia, Monroe County. She graduated from Union High School in 1968 where she was Valedictorian of her class… then on to Marshall University from which she graduated magna cum laude in 1972. She returned home where she taught school for 37 years, beginning her career in Greenbrier County and ending at Mountain View Middle School in Union.
The book that she has written is called “Different.” It was a very special project for her for two reasons. First and foremost, it is illustrated by her 16-year-old granddaughter, Emma. It is also special because the subject matter is near and dear to her heart; the book was written in an effort to teach young children to accept themselves and others, with all their differences.
The book can be purchased online at amazon.com and also at barnesandnoble.com. She is getting ready to make it available for downloading to a kindle through the Amazon site. She also keeps a few copies at her home.
To purchase a copy….Kris can be contacted by phone at 304-772-4322 or by email at kalln24983@frontier.com.