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UHS Class of 1939 Celebrate 80th Class Reunion


     Union High School- Class of 1939 celebrate 80th Class Reunion


Hazel Shrader 96 and Mayo Martin Lemons 97


Bernard Fullen 97 - at his home in Bowling Green, KY


Hazel Shrader and Mayo Martin Lemons celebrated their 80th Reunion from Union High School on May 28, 2019, at the Moco Diner.  They are holding a picture of their class during their junior year in 1938.  No class pictures were taken outdoors on their graduation day in 1939 due to the cold, rainy weather.

This class graduated from the old Union High School building where the Monroe Health Center is now located.  The date was May 9, 1939, two weeks earlier than the end of the normal school year.  Teachers had to give up two weeks pay and private donations were given to help pay for the cost of the new Union High School building that opened in the fall of 1939.

Hazel, Mayo, and Bernard Fullen are the remaining members of their class of twenty.  Others in their class were (boys) Mason Atkins, Bill Ballard, Donald Fisher, Russell Hinkle, Albert Lugar, Roy Scott, Edwin White and Virgil Wiseman and (girls) Kathryn Caldwell, Pearilee Jarvis, Virginia Kidd, Jean McNeer, Ann McNeil, Geneva Patton, Margery Riner, Hazel Wallace, and Elsie Weikle.

Submitted by:

Doris Ann Lemons Taylor

Class of 1972