The Class of 1958 Celebrates 55th Class Reunion
The Union High School Class of 1958 met on July 20, 2013, to celebrate their 55th Class Reunion at the home of Jim and Joy Allen in Sinks Grove who have hosted the past four reunions since 1998.
An afternoon and evening of fun, catch-up, laughter, games and a catered dinner were enjoyed by all. No one was in any hurry to leave!
Those attending were: Jim Allen and Joyce, Kyle Baker and Lorraine, Odell Bostic and Velma, Bill Crosier, Jim Ellison, Patty Leach Hancock and Henry, Hannah Porterfield Heath and Ray, Dean Long and Joyce, Mark Pence and Connie, Orr Scott, Jr. and Yvonne, Wayman Pence and Patty, Phyllis O’Quinn Rose, Anna Pomphrey Firebaugh and Dale. Several classmates unable to attend sent their best wishes.
Remembrance of Deceased Members: Kathryn Ballengee, James Kirby, Edison Honaker, Raymond Dunbar, Eddy Judy, Jerry Hoke, Larry Shumate, Nancy Hinkle McCormick.
Upon leaving that evening, a spouse commented. “You were a class who cared for each other”. How fitting and true of this statement. (Click on picture for a larger view).
Front Row: Phyllis O’Quinn Rose, Patty Leach Hancock, Anna Pomphrey Firebaugh, Connie Pence, Joyce Long, Hannah Porterfield Heath, Velma Bostic, Patty Pence, Lorraine Baker, Yvonne Scott.
Second Row: Jim Ellison, Henry Hancock, Dale Firebaugh, Mark Pence, Dean Long, Ray Heath, Jim Allen, Odell Bostic, Wayman Pence, Kyle Baker, Orr Scott, Jr.
Submitted by Patty Leach Hancock and Jim Ellison
Additional pictures added below….

Classmates-Jim Ellison, Patty Hancock, Odell Bostic, Hannah Heath,Orr Scott, Mark Pence, Henry Hancock,Kyle Baker, Dean Long, Wayman Pence, Anna Fireball, Jim Allen and Phyllis Rose